Lachgas-Lehrbuch online



Albertin A, Casati A, Bergonzi PC, Moizo E, Lombardo F, Torri G. The effect of adding nitrous oxide on MAC of sevoflurane combined with two target-controlled concentrations of remifentanil in women. Eur. J. Anaesth. 2005; 22: 431–7
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Annequin D, Carbajal R, Chauvin P, Gall O, Tourniaire B, Murat I. Fixed 50% nitrous oxide oxygen mixture for painful procedures: A French survey. Pediatrics 2000; 105: E47
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Apfel CC, Laara E, Koivuranta M, Greim CA, Roewer N. A simplified risk score for predicting postoperative nausea and vomiting: conclusions from cross-validations between two centers. Anesthesiology 1999; 91: 693-700
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Apfel CC, Korttila K, Abdalla M, Kerger H, Turan A, Vedder I, Zernak C, Danner K, Jokela R, Pocock SJ, Trenkler S, Kredel M, Biedler A, Sessler DI, Roewer N. A factorial trial of six interventions for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. N.Engl.J.Med. 2004; 350: 2441-51
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Becker DE, Rosenberg M: Nitrous oxide and the inhalation anesthetics. Anesth Prog 2008; 55: 124-30
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Belda FJ, Aguilera L, García de la Asunción J, Alberti J, Vicente R, Ferrándiz L, Rodríguez R, Company R, Sessler DI, Aguilar G, Botello SG, Ortí R; Spanish Reduccion de la Tasa de Infeccion Quirurgica Group. Supplemental perioperative oxygen and the risk of surgical wound infection: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2005; 294: 2035-42
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Boivin JF: Risk of spontaneous abortion in women occupationally exposed to anaesthetic gases: a meta-analysis. Occ Environ Med 1997; 54: 541-8

Chan MT, Wan AC, Gin T, Leslie K, Myles PS. Chronic postsurgical pain after nitrous oxide anesthesia. Pain 2011; 152: 2514-20
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Coté CJ, Wilson S: Guidelines for monitoring and management of pediatric patients during and after sedation for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures: an update. Pediatrics 2006; 118: 2587-602
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Dawson JS, Hardman JG. Nitrous oxide or nitrogen effect. Anesthesiology 2008; 108: 540
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Sharma D, Dash HH. Nitrous oxide: time to laugh it off? Not quite.Anesthesiology 2008; 108: 541
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European Society of Anaesthesiology task force on the use of nitrous oxide in clinical anaesthetic practice. The current place of nitrous oxide in clinical practice: An expert opinion-based task force consensus statement of the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2015; 32: 517-20
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Farrar D, Monahan EC. Nitrous oxide: friend or foe? Hosp.Med. 2000; 61: 515
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Gall O, Annequin D, Benoit G, Glabeke E, Vrancea F, Murat I. Adverse events of premixed nitrous oxide and oxygen for procedural sedation in children. Lancet 2001; 358: 1514–5
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Gholam P, Zink C, Uhlmann L, Erik A. Pain reduction in patients after applying a nitrous oxide/oxygen mixture (Livopan) during photodynamic therapy: study protocol for an observational study (Livopan study). BMJOpen 2015;5:e006412. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006412
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Greif R, Laciny S, Rapf B, Hickle RS, Sessler DI. Supplemental oxygen reduces the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesthesiology 1999; 91: 1246-52
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Greif R, Akça O, Horn EP, Kurz A, Sessler DI; Outcomes Research Group. Supplemental perioperative oxygen to reduce the incidence of surgical-wound infection. N Engl J Med 2000; 342: 161-7
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Haridas RP. Horace wells' demonstration of nitrous oxide in Boston. Anesthesiology 2013; 119: 1014-22
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Hemprich A. Lachgas in der Zahnheilkunde – eine Renaissance? Zahnärzteblatt Sachsen 2011; 4: 29-30


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Jones L, Othman M, Dowswell T, Alfirevic Z, Gates S, Newburn M, Jordan S, Lavender T, Neilson JP. Pain management for women in labour: an overview of systematic reviews. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012 14; 3:CD009234
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Leslie K, Myles PS, Kasza J, Forbes A, Peyton PJ, Chan MT, Paech MJ, Sessler DI, Beattie WS, Devereaux PJ, Wallace S. Nitrous oxide and serious long-term morbidity and mortality in the Evaluation of Nitrous Oxide in the Gas Mixture for Anaesthesia (ENIGMA)-II trial. Anesthesiology 2015; 123: 1267-80<
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Leslie K, Myles P, Devereaux PJ, Forbes A, Rao-Melancini P, Williamson E, Xu S, Foex P, Pogue J, Arrieta M, Bryson GL, Paul J, Paech MJ, Merchant RN, Choi PT, Badner N, Peyton P, Sear JW, Yang H. Nitrous oxide and serious morbidity and mortality in the POISE trial. Anesth Analg. 2013; 116: 1034-40
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Luhmann JD, Schootman M, Luhmann SJ, Kennedy RM. A randomized comparison of nitrous oxide plus hematoma block versus ketamine plus midazolam for emergency department forearm fracture reduction in children. Pediatrics 2006; 118: 1078-86
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Myles PS, Chan MT, Leslie K, Peyton P, Paech M, Forbes A. Effect of nitrous oxide on plasma homocysteine and folate in patients undergoing major surgery. Br J Anaesth 2008; 100: 780-6
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Myles PS, Leslie K, Peyton P, Paech M, Forbes A, Chan MT, Sessler D, Devereaux PJ, Silbert BS, Jamrozik K, Beattie S, Badner N, Tomlinson J, Wallace S; ANZCA Trials Group. Nitrous oxide and perioperative cardiac morbidity (ENIGMA-II) Trial: rationale and design. Am Heart J. 2009; 157: 488-94
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Myles PS. Nitrous oxide: deep in the zone of uncertainty. Anesthesiology. 2013; 119: 1-3
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Myles PS, Leslie K, Chan MT, Forbes A, Peyton P, Paech M, Beattie S, Sessler D, Devereaux PJ, Silbert BS, Schricker T, Wallace S, the ANZCA Trials Group for ENIGMA-II investigators. The safety of addition of nitrous oxide to general anaesthesia in at-risk patients having major non-cardiac surgery (ENIGMA-II): a randomised, single-blind trial. Lancet 14.08.2014 (Epub ahead of print)
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Nagele P, Brown F, Francis A, Scott MG, Gage BF, Miller JP; VINO Study Team. Influence of Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia, B-Vitamins, and MTHFR Gene Polymorphisms on Perioperative Cardiac Events: The Vitamins in Nitrous Oxide (VINO) Randomized Trial. Anesthesiology 2013; 119: 19-28
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Peyton PJ, Wu CY. Nitrous oxide-related postoperative nausea and vomiting depends on duration of exposure. Anesthesiology 2014; 120: 1137-45
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Philippi-Höhne C, Daubländer M, Becke M, Reinhold P, Splieth C, Beck G: Einsatz von Lachgas zur minimalen Sedierung von Kindern in der Zahnheilkunde. Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen 2013; Heft 20 vom 16.10.2013


Potocka-Banas B, Majdanik S, Dutkiewicz G, Borowiak K, Janus T. Death caused by addictive inhalation of nitrous oxide. Hum Exp Toxicol 2011; 30: 1875-7
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Onody P, Gil P, Hennequin M. Safety of inhalation of a 50% nitrous oxide/oxygen premix: a prospective survey of 35.828 administrations. Drug Saf 2006; 29: 633-40
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Reinoso-Barbero F, Pascual-Pascual SI, de Lucas R, García S, Billoët C, Dequenne V, Onody P. Equimolar nitrous oxide/oxygen versus placebo for procedural pain in children: a randomized trial. Pediatrics 2011; 127: 1464-70
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Rooks JP. Safety and risks of nitrous oxide labor analgesia: a review. J Midwifery Womens Health 2011; 56: 557-65
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Rosen MA. Nitrous oxide for relief of labor pain: a systematic review. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002; 186: S110-26
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Rothschild MA, Schneider V. Über zwei autoerotische Unfälle: Tödliche Lachgasnarkose und Thoraxkompression. Arch Kriminol 1997; 200: 65-72
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Sanders RD, Weimann J, Maze M. Biologic effects of nitrous oxide: a mechanistic and toxicologic review. Anesthesiology 2008; 109: 707-22
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Sanders RD, Graham C, Lewis SC, Bodenham A, Gough MJ, Warlow C; GALA Trial Investigators. Nitrous oxide exposure does not seem to be associated with increased mortality, stroke, and myocardial infarction: a non-randomized subgroup analysis of the General Anaesthesia compared with Local Anaesthesia for carotid surgery (GALA) trial. Br J Anaesth 2012; 109: 361-7
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Sharma D, Dash HH. Nitrous oxide: time to laugh it off? Not quite.Anesthesiology 2008; 108: 541
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letzte Aktualisierung: 15.12.2015
Diffusion in Hohlräume
Tod durch Lachgas?